Things to remember............

Saturday, February 18, 2006

This is a horrible picture of us both and it is several years old - but the picture of true FRIENDSHIP!
THough many miles have seperated us in the past 16 years
our friendship is as strong as ever. Sure she's met new friends that she hangs out with - that her son gets to grow up with instead of my kids. But, she's my best friend from
Junior High School and we share memories nobody can ever understand or take away from us.
When I visit WV - she's on the phone calling me often before
I can get hold of her! Though our lives are both busy - we both work
etc......she always makes time for me. I LOVE and MISS HER SO MUCH!

You have people in your life that you stick with through good and bad -
yep - we've had our share of disagreements over BOYS ( Jason Anderson ) LOL - we've gotten
on each others nerves because we were around each other TOO LONG - heck our parents never knew if we'd be coming home from school on a certain day but they knew if we did we'd have a sidekick =o) Hell even after I was married and would visit home - she'd come spend the night with me at my Moms house.
I have another friend from High School that I thought would always remain close - I haven't talked to her in ages -
I truly cherish my friends -
I dunno where this is coming from - I guess I just miss alot of my friends or the ones I THOUGHT were my forever friends - yes you can have more than one - yes you may have more in common with some at times than you do with others but think about when you have needed someone and remember the ones that were there for you and the ones that you'd do anything for!
LIFE IS SHORT - you don't know when tomorrow will have come and gone or there may not be a tomorrow. Don't let it be a regret that you didn't reach out and say I MISS YOU to someone - do it now.

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