Things to remember............

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What a day this has been! I took the day off of work for two seperate appointments!
Thankfully my boss is fantastic =o)
I should have been out of the office today anyway - I'll make it up tomorrow though - I'll be heading out to the Williamsburg area I suppose. I've been putting that off until last but, I really need to get out there. It actually feels weird being home from work without the kiddos being here. Cheer ended for Kylee on Sunday and Basketball ended for Ian - soon we'll be starting T-Ball and Baseball - and Kylee back into another cheer group I hope. Rye is in a teen group and is going snowboarding/skiing this weekend - he's been looking very forward to that!
I'm starving right now but don't want to eat before my appointment! Crossing my fingers that all goes the way I want today! "X" I am gonna pig out afterwards if I'm able to eat =o)

Gregs Grandma has basically been told there is nothing they can do for her - she has something wrong with her lungs and the only fix is a transplant and she's too old to be a candidate for that. His Grandfather just passed away a couple weeks ago =o( so incredibly difficult. I loved my Grandparents tremendously but his Grandfather was like no other man that I have ever known!
I love his Grandmother just as much - married for 62 years - AMAZING that you could still see the love they had for each other even if they were across the room from each other. That is a gift not many people are given in life to be loved that way for so long -

Not much else to report - life is busy with work - kids and family time - then there is bowling and all the kids activities - not much time to squeeze anything else in there. Heck I don't even talk on the phone anymore - visit friends...etc. I miss that tons - guess that is where my last post was coming from - TO any of my friends who read this blog - KNOW that you aren't forgotten and I miss you terribly! Hugz



  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Ang said…

    Okay so half of that post didn't even go through - but, I don't have time to fix it right now! DUH


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